Sunday, September 29, 2013

Goal Setting

I aspire to gain an entry-level internship with a local radio or news station. This will be a pivotal moment in my career as it will be the first job that is directly related to my major, Media Communications.  Additionally, I hope to become proficient in Photoshop and in web publishing. I am currently familiar with the two software skills but I am seeking more hands-on experience.
To achieve these goals, I must research and apply with local companies in my area to gain an entry-level internship. I have to keep in mind that some of these opportunities may not be paid internships. I must not only look at the monetary gain but also the amount of experience that can be drawn from working in a lucrative and upcoming organization. In relation to gaining new software skills, this mainly will be addressed in the Media Communications Bachelors of Science coursework. However, I must find other avenues to acquire more hands-on instructional activities. This will require self-studying/self training. The training resources I will use include and Full Sail University does offer additional resources that will be beneficial in my professional and educational pursuits. This includes the writing center, the career services office, and the online Library database.
My time frame to achieve this goal is within the next two years. The goal is not tied to a specific course. I will use my iCalendar to set due dates for myself. This will include periodic reminders to remind myself of my short-term goals on a weekly basis. 

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