Sunday, September 29, 2013

AET Week 4 Jump Start

The television show that I will be focusing on will be The Cosby Show. The name of the specific character that demonstrates leadership qualities will be Cliff Huxtable. Mr. Huxtable can be described as a charismatic, honest, fair, and diplomatic husband and father of five children.

Cliff understands the needs of his family and works to help them achieve greatness in the personal, professional, and educational endeavors. Often times, Cliff has to make tough decisions when dealing with five children. He finds a comedic but diplomatic way to gain the respect and reverence from his wife and children. He does not belittle his children when things go wrong, but holds them accountable to their actions and makes sure they understand what went wrong and how to fix the situation.
Mr. Cliff Huxtable uses all three of the leadership styles while being the man of the household. He demonstrates autocratic leadership styles when mainly dealing with his youngest children. At their age, it is best for them to be directed by a strong male figure. He also uses the democratic method when engaging with his older children and his wife. At their age, they have valuable input that can be constructive and helpful when working through problems. Lastly, Cliff uses the delegative technique when he cannot handle certain things on his own. He typically turns to his wife when delegating tasks because she is an expert as well. 

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