Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dissecting Design

The focal point within the ad is the man under the staircase in a crouching position. The ad incorporates sharp edges and angles for the staircase and the laptop. The ad has a smooth texture. The ad produces three dimension forms and shapes for the individual, laptop, and the staircase. The ad has a darker value by using darker hues.
The ad presents the principles of balance by providing leveling out the human figures through adding in the presence of shadows. The shadows bring balance to the ad.
The principle of contrast is represented by the contrast between the light and the dark tones. The darker shadows place emphasis on the lighter tones.
Emphasis is portrayed in the ad by creating a center of interest. The center of interest in the ad would be the man with the laptop. This is the object the viewer is most likely to gaze at first.
Movement is displayed by the two human figures appearing to be in motion. Also, the uneven staircase displays movement. Our eyes may begin to follow a path starting for the top of the stairs trailing down the man. Variety through alternation and contrast is an example of movement given from the staircase.
The shadows add proportion to the human and human-like figures by placing similarities between the two images. They also create major and minor areas within the design. Although the man is smaller, he is considered the major area because he is the center of interest.
The ad utilizes the principles of balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, and proportion to produce a sense of unity and order. There is a harmony of colors and patterns that is seem throughout the ad. Lastly, the ad’s design accomplishes the principle of unity by ad being seen as a whole. The as would be incomplete without showing what the man crouching in agony was hiding form. The ad gives an illusion of an intimidating man. In this way, the ad tells a story within its borders.

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