Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Rabbit Hole

Try To Decode This!

Morse Code:
- .... .. ... / .. ... / - .... . / - .. -- . / --- ..-. / - .... . / -.. .- -.-- / .-- .... . -. / -- --- ... - / .-. --- -... -... . .-. .. . ... / .- -. -.. / - .... . ..-. - ... / --- -.-. -.-. ..- .-. .-.-.-

ROTation - 1:
Uijt jt uif ujnf pg uif ebz xifo nptu spccfsjft boe uifgut pddvs.


Cross Word Puzzle

After reading the assignment requirements and reading the resource articles, I gained a better understanding of creating Alternate Reality Games (ARGs) and the process for the “mini-hunt” creation process. Before this assignment, I was unsure of what type of rabbit hole or trail head was required for this assignment. I realized that for a Rabbit Hole or a Trail Head to be truly effective, it must include codes, clues, and puzzles to lead the reader to the next media elements. I chose to include Morse Code and ROTation-1 coding as clues for the rabbit hole. Additionally, I include a crossword puzzle and a cryptograph to add a puzzle aspect to the mini-hunt creating process. All four of these media elements could be used in my Transmedia Short Story Challenge entry to make the media element more believable. The readers can find the answers to the decoded elements by decoding the information with their own personal knowledge or by accessing the World Wide Web to decode the message. This was a very interesting process because I never heard of a cryptograph puzzle or a ROTation-1 decoder. As I move forward with my project, I will use two out of four of these media elements to enhance my rabbit hole.

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