Friday, October 24, 2014

WK4 Reflection: Publish Final Draft

Three distinct areas that I improved within my transmedia short story job simulation was improve the Rabbit Hole/Trail Head, add an Exposition, and re-recorded Mama Ferguson’s podcast. To improve the elements of my Rabbit Hole/Trail Head, I chose to add links on how to decider my Alternate Reality Games. The Alternate Reality Games that are found in my Rabbit Hole are Morse Code, Word Search Puzzle,  and ROTation-1 Code. Adding the exposition allows the reader to learn more information about the history of the main characters. The exposition gives more details about their pasts bringing a better understanding to their personalities and their present lives. It is important that readers known the details to understand the plot of the story. This final draft phase allowed me to move closer toward my goals. I decided to re-record the podcast for Mama Ferguson to add more information about leadership and her feelings toward Shirley Curleyiam. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

GTS WK3 Project: Transmedia Short Story Soft Opening

The last two weeks in the Gaming and Transmedia class has been quite an experience. As I went through the last phase of completing the project, I felt very proud of my accomplishments in creating my very own Transmedia Short Story. The assignments during theisweek helped to complete certain aspects of the project including the trailer teaser, the audience feedback survey, and the rabbit hole/trail head. In my opinion, I did a quality job at linking the media elements. My favorite part of this project was creating the Webcomic on I learned valuable information about overcoming depression and about the qualities of a leader.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

GTS WK3 Analysis: Games Expand Transmedia Worlds

A console game is a type of collaborative multimedia used for entertaining an audience or a viewer. The console game holds multiple images that they typically displayed through a video console. The video display is presented through a television. The game console is usually controlled and made to function by using a handheld device called a controller, which includes a number of buttons and directional controls. An example of the console game is Play Station or Xbox 360. A mobile application is a type of application software designed as a computerized program that is specifically made and manufactured for smartphones, tablets, and other related mobile devices. A type of mobile application is Facebook, Google Maps, or Amazon Mobile. A browser game is type of computer game that can be played over the World Wide Web using a web browser. An example of a web browser is Safari, Google Chrome, or Firefox. An example of a browser game is Warefare 1917 and Candy Box. 

A collectable card game is a type of a trading card game that is created as a collectible item associated with a set of playing cards. These cards have strategic rules associated with how to play the game. An example of a collectable card game is Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh! A board game is a type of game that involves pieces that are moved on a marked located on the board and has a specific set of rules regarding how to play, how to move each piece, and how to win. An example of a board is Life or Monopoly. A role play game (RPG) is a type of game that allows players to associate themselves with the roles of a character within the game. An example of a role play game is SIMS or Castles and Crusades. A live action role playing game is a type of role playing game that allows the players to physically performance their characters actions. An example of a live action role playing game is Heroquest and MagiQuest. Cosplay is a type of game that allows players to physically wear unique costumes and fashionable accessories to signify a character in the game. An example of a cosplay is Avengers Playboy and Link and Assassins Creed. Cons is a fundamental function used in a programming language that is associated with holding two pointer values for x and y. An example of a con is binary trees.  

This week I have been working to complete the soft launch of the transmedia short story. I have worked to complete all of my social networking websites, created ARGs to be used in the rabbit hole or the trail head, and created the audio visual components of the TMSS.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Rabbit Hole

Try To Decode This!

Morse Code:
- .... .. ... / .. ... / - .... . / - .. -- . / --- ..-. / - .... . / -.. .- -.-- / .-- .... . -. / -- --- ... - / .-. --- -... -... . .-. .. . ... / .- -. -.. / - .... . ..-. - ... / --- -.-. -.-. ..- .-. .-.-.-

ROTation - 1:
Uijt jt uif ujnf pg uif ebz xifo nptu spccfsjft boe uifgut pddvs.


Cross Word Puzzle

After reading the assignment requirements and reading the resource articles, I gained a better understanding of creating Alternate Reality Games (ARGs) and the process for the “mini-hunt” creation process. Before this assignment, I was unsure of what type of rabbit hole or trail head was required for this assignment. I realized that for a Rabbit Hole or a Trail Head to be truly effective, it must include codes, clues, and puzzles to lead the reader to the next media elements. I chose to include Morse Code and ROTation-1 coding as clues for the rabbit hole. Additionally, I include a crossword puzzle and a cryptograph to add a puzzle aspect to the mini-hunt creating process. All four of these media elements could be used in my Transmedia Short Story Challenge entry to make the media element more believable. The readers can find the answers to the decoded elements by decoding the information with their own personal knowledge or by accessing the World Wide Web to decode the message. This was a very interesting process because I never heard of a cryptograph puzzle or a ROTation-1 decoder. As I move forward with my project, I will use two out of four of these media elements to enhance my rabbit hole.

GTS Week 3 Practice A

Sunday, October 12, 2014

GTS WK2 Project: Mid-Challenge Check-In

About 75 Points - BLOGGER.COM 12 posts - Papa Wolf – 3 Boards - 16 pins – 14 posts 15 tweets–