Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Week 1 Exploration: Web Basics

After taking the Web Design Fundamentals Course by James Williamson, I felt very overwhelmed. In previous collegiate courses, I worked with Java and Visual Basics. However, I never became proficient in these areas of web design. I feel that web design is not an area that I am interested in. Despite this fact, I do understand the impact that web design can have on my professional career. I envision my self working very little with web design in the future. I am looking to manage and supervise a team of people, which does not include designing a webpage. I am not looking to own my own business, which also means that I will not have to study and master web design functions such as CSS, HTML, and JAVA.

From this lesson, I would like to learn more about CSS, HTML, and the basics of designing a webpage. I do understand that knowing the basics of web design is a skill that all professionals in media communications should have regardless if they are directly designing webpages or not. I would like to learn more about the coding and markup aspects of HTML and CSS. They seem very involved. However, in time I believe that these are skills that I can become familiar with for personal and professional use. I will approach my on-going web project differently as a result of this lesson because I am now aware of the web design workflow and the importance of sketching. I was not aware of these two areas of web design prior to taking this course.

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