Monday, June 30, 2014

MCPP Portfolio Project Submission: The Power of Solar Power

I am seeking a number two star rating. My project is entitled “The Power of Solar Power.” The objective of this project was to learn and master the Adobe Audition software program through creating, editing, restoring, mixing, and mastering. The outcome of this project was a well developed audio visual video that demonstrated quality audio components for the ideal audience. As I worked on the project, I incorporated much of the information that I learned in prior Adobe courses through to build a well rounded project. This worked to my advantage because of the resources that were available to me. I have received feedback from my professor and classmates and have altered my project accordingly. The software and hardware that I used to successfully complete my project was a microphone, Macbook laptop, Adobe Audition, Adobe CS6 Premiere, iMovie, and Youtube. I was the only team member involved in creating this project. 

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