Wednesday, September 24, 2014

• Week 4 Reflection: RISE Peer Feedback

Marcella's Soft Launch

Hello Marcella,

After reviewing your soft launch website, I am very impressed. The initial layout of the website is short and straight to the point. You selected a catchy telephone number that is easy to remember. You included a recognizable logo that would definitely keep me coming to purchase cupcakes at the food truck. I did not imagine this company being mobile, however your level of creativity allowed this idea to evolve into a working fictitious business. I also was interested in the way you included customer reviews directly on the homepage. This is tactical when attempting to gain additional clientele or to keep your current clientele. Your About Us page was very personal and appealing to your target audience. This made me want to revisit my own site to add an enhanced logo to my homepage. What were you trying to highlight by providing a picture of the actual food truck during business hours on your home page? I think that this was a clever decision for the company because it shows the business in action and the typical crowd it draws. Have you considered adding descriptions regarding the types of cupcakes displayed on your Our Cupcakes page? Perhaps you can add more emphasis by adding contact information for the social networks that the company is affiliated with. By doing this, the company will build a larger network of followers that can track the locations and current news in regards to the business and the food truck. For example the business can utilize pinterest, instagram, facebook, and twitter to build a fan base where fans can track the food truck’s location. You could repurpose this sight for your public portfolio assignment from MCBS. Other than the things there were discuseed you did a great job for your soft launch keep up the god work.

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