Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Week 3 Exploration: Digging Deeper

After review the list of articles listed on the WDC Diigo Resources website, I decided to choose three articles that spoke to my professional interest. The first article I chose to review and address was “Creating a Successful Portfolio” by Sean Hodge. I chose this article because I wanted to learn specific tips and techniques I could incorporate to in my educational and professional career to further showcase my skills to my professor and my current and future employers. I learned that less is more. I also learned that grid and column designs could support larger amounts of data.

The second article that I choose to review and address was “Ernest Hemingway’s Top 5 Tips to Writing Well” by Brian Clark. I chose this article because I want to learn different methods that can improve my writing style. I learned to always use short and concise sentences with strong verbiage or adjectives. I also learned to use vigorous language. This means to utilize vocabulary words that bring life to my compositions.

The third article I chose to review and address was “Useful Glossaries for Web Designers and Developers by Daved Brosche. I chose this article because despite me wanting to go into project management, in regards to my own personal brand I must be able to develop and execute well-formed and robust websites. I learned of a number of additional resources that can help with web development, web design, typography, usability, and Javascript Glossaries.

I definitely can apply the insight gained from these three article when creating my portfolio website that I will be completing this week by showing me specific methods to make the page better. The tips will help me make specific changes to my public facing portfolio.

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