Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week 3 Project: Portfolio Skeleton

Part I:

Part II:
I do feel confident in my understanding of the MCBS public-facing portfolio requirement. However, I do not feel that I have enough substantial information to include within the website. I feel that it is lacking information and skillsets that I have not obtained yet. The 1-2-3 star projects that I completed in my MCPP courses have helped to provide additional information for my portfolio page. It also has helped to add skills to my Skills and Abilities page. I feel that my About Me page could be stronger once I complete my coursework at Full Sail University. I believe that I am evolving into the professional that I would like to become. At times it is hard to put your information about you to people. I feel that the areas of my portfolio that need the most work are my About Us page and my Resume page. I think that cosmetically, my Resume page could be more appealing to the eye. In regards to the About Me page, I think that this page could contain more information that provides the public more information about my skills and abilities. This could include a deeper explanation of my skill set.

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