Saturday, September 12, 2015

Week 2 Practice: Networking

The International Communication Association (ICA) is holding their 66th annual ICA conference on June 9th-13th in 2016. The conference is entitled, “Communication with Power.” This conference would apply to my professional pursuits because I am seeking international partnerships with communication professionals. This gives me a competitive edge to be familiar with international associates.

The National Communication Association is holding their 101st annual convention on November 19th-22 2015 in Las Vegas. This would apply to my professional pursuits by me discovering potential national employers small and large. I am seeking employment that will utilize my non-profit skills to improve the community.

I am interested in joining the Washington, DC chapter of the Association for Women in Communications. This is a local association that I would partner with. This association supports the advancement of women across all communications backgrounds. A national association I am interested in joining is the Computer and Communications Industry Association. Their mission is improve innovation and to understand, maintain, and influence innovation possibilities. They believe that technology and communications both play an integral role in the advancement of our society.

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