Tuesday, August 27, 2013

WK4 Peer Review

To view Williams video please click: WATCH WEEK THREE DIGITAL STORY

Reflect - I related to your digital story because I too changed from a more technical to a people based career. I had imagined myself becoming a Information Technology specialist. I changed my field of study due to my professional experiences as well. It made me want to revisit my own story to revaluate what specific things I loved during my past internship. I did not like the technicality of the industry and wanted to do more with management while working with people.
Inquire - What were you trying to communicate by sharing that you were not good at communicating to people? Did you mean to state that you needed to develop your leadership skills?
Suggest - Have you considered a degree in gaming? You stated that you enjoyed working for Quantum and would have continued to work there it was financially possible. You might want to inquiring interning with another electronic or gaming organization. Adding background music would enhance your storyboard. Your voice sounded muffled. Consider reflecting on the articles given in Week 3 Content Articles to perfecting voice overs. Lastly, consider voice inflection to add levels to your story.
Elevate - Perhaps you can expand your digital story by stating your talents and abilities you acquired while interning at Quantum. You could repurpose this for helping your audience grasp and relate your enriching professional experience.

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