Thursday, August 22, 2013

WK3 Discussion: Businesses & Audiovisual Media

Full Sail uses the video as a recruitment tool by capturing the Full Sail campus, classrooms, and student life. The video focuses on displaying students interacting with industry leading technology and equipment inside and outside of the class. Based on watching the recruitment video, the University is portrayed as being innovative and progressive. Capturing professionals in action working on green screens and filming in real time provides the target audience a state-of-the-art virtual experience. The video uses positive and uplifting instrumentals to accompany the speaking segments in the video. Dollar Shave Club’s video announces its new product by accompanying upbeat instrumentals with witty comicalness or punch lines. The use of profanity is not distasteful in my opinion but convincing. The frames presented are simple but ingenious when conveying the need for One Wipe Charlies. The video uses a primitive stuffed bear and a reference to Willie Wonker and the Chocolate Factory golden tickets. The video does feature the company’s CEO and a few other co-stars to convey the central message. The video changes the phrase to “golden nuggets” when referring to cleaning up dirty messes after using the bathroom. Science World’s video invites patrons to the museum by using music with lyrics and upbeat tempos to add a tone of enthusiasm. The participants in the video are singing, dancing, and performing acrobatics. There are flash mob dancers ranging from all ages. The video captures museum exhibits and individuals interacting with the interactive museum objects. The video displays people showing their excitement while visiting the museum. There are vivid colors and the music playing during the video is an American classic.

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