Sunday, May 17, 2015

MCPP Portfolio Project Submission: And Know You Know!

I am seeking a 2-star rating for this project.

The objective of this project was to provide factual information about smoking cigarettes. I wanted to bring more awareness to the cigarette addiction and to methods that smokers can use when quitting. The outcome of the project was a finely polished production that included candid footage of smokers and cigarettes. After production and editing, the project turned out to be a well rounded information piece on the effects of smoking nicotine. 

I was advised by my instructor to use voice elevation when stating certain facts about smoking nicotine and the effects it has on the human body. I used voice inflection and tone when recording the audio. I was advised by my peers to use more gut-renching footage to capture the attention instantly by the viewer. I changed the footage to include persuasive photographs. 

The software that was used during the production was GarageBank, iMove, and Adobe Illustrator, Stock Footage. The hardware that was used was MacBook Pro, microphone, and a Nokia Digital Camera. I am the only individual that contributed to the completion of the project.

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