Sunday, May 4, 2014

WK3: This is a MCBS blog is a portfolio submission: Test The Limits in Film and Photography

I am seeking a number two star rating.

It has become evident that Sundance has not sponsored intensive training for teenagers and young adults. Patrons of Sundance and its affiliates have children and younger loved ones that are interested in the cinematography and photography industry. However, these individuals are not receiving the adequate training needed to enter the industry. The end result will produce a better-educated group of young adults that can contribute the growing industries. The types of funding that are requested are angel investors and donors. The total amount of funding that is requested in $10,000.

The link for the project plan is:

As suggested by my professor, I utilized the standard project proposal template as a basis for my proposal tool. It was also suggested not to mention that this is a portfolio project within the actual document. I attempted to work harder on this project so that it would be presented as a real world project proposal. I am looking to submit this proposal for funding and I do not want it to appear like a school project.

This project proposal will require two high resolution video camera to take photographs and video tape a promo video for marketing purposes. A project team leader, a sponsor, technology support member, and a content strategist must be employed to complete the team members roster. 

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