Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Digital Video and Editing Principles RISE Peer Review

I reviewed Jospeh B.'s Final Personal Video. 

What struck me about his video was his ability to remain unique to himself. It was apparent in his video that he prefers the simpler ways of life. It made me want to revisit my own video to and speak more directly into the camera. However, I do feel that my method of not talking into the camera helped when managing the time constraint for the assignment. During his video, he paced himself while speaking and he enunciated your words.  

Did you have any other top ideas for your personal video? I had other options but I decided that a cooking video would best describe me personally. Have you considered using a different genre of music in your video? You might want to consider increasing the background instruments during the non-speaking sections in your video. Perhaps you could add more emphasis by adding better lightening to the latter parts of your video. You did a great job and followed the directions of the assignment.

Unfortunately, a direct link was not provided to view Joseph’s B.’s Video post.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

WK4: This is a MCBS blog is a portfolio submission: Helping Seniors through Technology

I am seeking a number two star rating.

This project idea involves high school students and college students teaching senior citizens how to use computer technology. This will serve as community service. Teaching senior citizens computer technology requires a different approach and high school and college students will be developing unique lesson plans to teach their elders.  Basic computer skills that match the needs and interests of the senior citizens will be taught. The type of funding that is requested is angel investors and charitable donations.

The link for the project plan is:https://www.dropbox.com/s/iec558ur0u80v2k/GrimesAdrienneProjectProposal3.docx

As directed by my professor, the standard project proposal template was used as a platform for my proposal tool. Additionally, she suggested that I do not to mention that this is a portfolio project within the actual document. By this being the third project constructed for this class, I attempted to work extremely harder and to take not of all constructive criticism that was given.

This project proposal will require two high resolution video camera to take photographs and video tape a promo video for marketing purposes. Additionally, this will require training material and 10 computers to spearhead the mentoring project. A project team leader, a sponsor, technology support member, and a content strategist must be employed to complete the team members roster. 

WK3: This is a MCBS blog is a portfolio submission: Test The Limits in Film and Photography

I am seeking a number two star rating.

It has become evident that Sundance has not sponsored intensive training for teenagers and young adults. Patrons of Sundance and its affiliates have children and younger loved ones that are interested in the cinematography and photography industry. However, these individuals are not receiving the adequate training needed to enter the industry. The end result will produce a better-educated group of young adults that can contribute successfully.to the growing industries. The types of funding that are requested are angel investors and donors. The total amount of funding that is requested in $10,000.

The link for the project plan is:

As suggested by my professor, I utilized the standard project proposal template as a basis for my proposal tool. It was also suggested not to mention that this is a portfolio project within the actual document. I attempted to work harder on this project so that it would be presented as a real world project proposal. I am looking to submit this proposal for funding and I do not want it to appear like a school project.

This project proposal will require two high resolution video camera to take photographs and video tape a promo video for marketing purposes. A project team leader, a sponsor, technology support member, and a content strategist must be employed to complete the team members roster.