Friday, October 9, 2015

Project Two : Reaching the Vulnerable North Korean Population

 If I was hired to design a flyer that would be tied or stapled to each of the dollar bills that are dropped over North Korea, the message on the flyer would be “Your are stronger than you think. You were given this life because you are strong enough to overcome it.” This would be an inspirational message. My intent is to break down the central control that the North Korean government holds on the people of North Korea.
I believe that everyone being oppressed needs to have a sense of inspiration and hope to know that their current situation is not the end. The most effective and efficient use of the flyer would be for the flyer’s message to be in North Korean language. The North Korean’s do not know English. Therefore, if a flyer were dropped with English writing it would not effectively serve its main purpose in inspiring the North Korean people through its words. The flyer should be filled with bright colors on the front and a picture of a beautiful sky with sun rays beaming down from the sky and a rainbow.

The target audience would be all North Koreans that are being oppressed mentally, physically, and emotionally. I would be targeting the people that are starving, jailed, the unemployed, the adolescents, and the elderly. In my opinion, these are the most vulnerable populations. All of these individuals share the feeling of being oppressed. There is a large percentage of the population that is starving, jailed, and unemployed due to the oppressive nature of the North Korean government.

The imagery that would be insulting would be the American flag placed on the flyer. North Korean government frequently have publicly broadcasted speeches denouncing America and shows America as a constant their for invasion. I want the North Korean’s to understand the world “hears their cry” and not just the Unites States. The North Koreans would welcome bright colors, smiling faces, and the bright sky. A picture of Kim Jong-un with a big X over its face would be too aggressive for the fragile North Koreans. They need images that are nurturing their current troubled state.

Unfortunately, the media that is wide spread in North Korea is filled with propaganda. They have a team of people that is responsible for spreading propaganda to the streets and homes of the North Korean people. It is illegal for North Koreans to have television, radios, and cell phones. Some laws have become more accepted due to reformed and rebellious people outwardly having cell phones. They have smugglers who smuggle DVD’s and jump drives filled with television shows and movies for North Koreans to watch. Much of the content is South Korean productions. 
The North and South both share the cultural value of family and liberation. I believe that this is the basic root that makes them one in a same. The United States and North Korea share the value of family and self-determination. The cultural values that North Koreans share are loyalty and devotion. They have been devoted to their country. However, it county has now turned on its people.

Front Of the Flyer

Back of the Flyer

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